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Verify users with automated KYC verification

Verify more users with a fast, secure, automated and efficient verification that significantly reduces the manual workload.

Verify users with automated KYC verification


Document Verification

Document Verification

Real-time document verification. We check the authenticity and validity of the document and verify the user's personal data.

AML Check

AML Check

As required by the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act, we check the funds and their origin.

Face Verification

Face Verification

Identity confirmation using facial recognition. We confirm that the customer's selfies match the photo on their documents.

Address Verification

Address Verification

We confirm residence using an official document such as a utility bill or bank statements, comparing them with the address provided by the client.

Video Verification

Video Verification

Identity verification by video call. We confirm that the customer wants to be verified and that the documents provided belong to him.

Financial Viability Check

Financial Viability Check

Verification of documents issued by financial institutions or a lawyer confirming the client's trustworthiness.

Company Check (KYB)

Company Check (KYB)

We confirm residence using an official document such as a utility bill or bank statements, comparing them with the address provided by the client.

Ongoing KYC/AML Monitoring

Ongoing KYC/AML Monitoring

We offer ongoing blacklisting of your clients. If someone gets added there, we will carry out an additional check on the client and notify you.

PEP Screening

PEP Screening

Check the status of the politically exposed person, sanctions and the person's watch list to avoid working with high-risk people or companies.

Payment Method

Payment Method

We check the financial document, credit card or transaction to ensure that the payment has been made by the verified client.

Tax Verification

Tax Verification

We collect the taxpayer identification number from the submitted document and check its validity.

Source of Funds Check

Source of Funds Check

We check the origin of funds and supporting documents such as invoices, contracts, payroll.

Why choose us


Industry-leading safety standards, backed up by the ISO certification and regular safety audits.


Certified by the European Institute of Management and Finance.

Country Interoperability

We're able to verify over 4,000 document types from 240 different countries. Start onboarding customers from anywhere in the world.

Speed up customer service, reduce risk and simplify your business processes.

Contact us to discuss the terms and conditions

We offer flexible conditions and an individual approach. Contact us and we'll find the best option designed to fit your business needs.

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